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To get the email addresses from aliases names : Outlook Programming using C#

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To get the email addresses from aliases names : Outlook Programming using C#
IDE : Visual Studio 2008

Please ignore inappropriate content as put entire code since I am adding some more functionality other than finding the address through aliases names.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
using ObjOutlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;

namespace Stmp_Client_2008
public partial class Form1 : Form
public String MailsSub;

public String Cc;
public String To;
public String Bcc;
public String SenderMailAddr;

private static ArrayList emailCollection = new ArrayList();
public static Boolean SuccMail = false;
public static Boolean MailFlag = false;

ObjOutlook.Application App = new ObjOutlook.ApplicationClass();
ObjOutlook.NameSpace NS;
ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder CheckFold;
ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder MovingFold;
ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder ErrMovingFold;

const int S_OK = 0;

[DllImport("MAPI32.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, EntryPoint = "HrGetOneProp@12")]
private static extern void HrGetOneProp(IntPtr pmp, uint ulPropTag, out IntPtr ppProp);

[DllImport("MAPI32.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, EntryPoint = "HrSetOneProp@8")]
private static extern void HrSetOneProp(IntPtr pmp, IntPtr pprop);

[DllImport("MAPI32.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, EntryPoint = "MAPIFreeBuffer@4")]
private static extern void MAPIFreeBuffer(IntPtr lpBuffer);

[DllImport("MAPI32.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern int MAPIInitialize(IntPtr lpMapiInit);

[DllImport("MAPI32.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern void MAPIUninitialize();

const string IID_IMAPIProp = "00020303-0000-0000-C000-000000000046";
const uint PR_SMTP_ADDRESS = 972947486;

public struct SPropValue
/// Property tag for the property. Property tags are 32-bit unsigned integers consisting of the property's unique identifier in the high-order 16 bits and the property's type in the low-order 16 bits.

public uint ulPropTag;

/// Reserved for MAPI; do not use.

public uint dwAlignPad;

/// Union of data values, the specific value dictated by the property type.

public long Value;

public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

private ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder GetFolder(ObjOutlook.Folders ReadFold, string name)

ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder TempStr = null;

foreach (ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder MovFold in ReadFold)
if (MovFold.Name == name)
TempStr = MovFold;

if (MovFold.Folders.Count > 0)
ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder TempStr2 = null;

TempStr2 = GetFolder(MovFold.Folders, name);
if (TempStr2 != null)
TempStr = TempStr2;


return TempStr;


//From the URL

private static void AddAddress(string emailAddress)

emailAddress = emailAddress.Trim();

emailAddress = emailAddress.ToLower();

if (!emailCollection.Contains(emailAddress))



} /* AddAddress */

private string GetEmailAddressFromExchange(string emailName)
ObjOutlook.MailItem loDummyMsg = (ObjOutlook.MailItem)App.CreateItem(ObjOutlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
ObjOutlook.Recipient loAddress = loDummyMsg.Recipients.Add(emailName);
string SMTPAddress = GetMAPIProperty(loAddress.AddressEntry.MAPIOBJECT, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS);

return SMTPAddress;

private string GetMAPIProperty(object oMAPIObject, uint uiPropertyTag)
if (oMAPIObject == null)
return "";

string sProperty = "";
IntPtr pPropValue = IntPtr.Zero;

IntPtr IUnknown = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr IMAPIProperty = IntPtr.Zero;


IUnknown = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(oMAPIObject);

Guid guidMAPIProp = new Guid(IID_IMAPIProp);

if (Marshal.QueryInterface(IUnknown, ref guidMAPIProp, out IMAPIProperty) != S_OK)
return "";

HrGetOneProp(IMAPIProperty, uiPropertyTag, out pPropValue);

if (pPropValue == IntPtr.Zero)
return "";

SPropValue propValue = (SPropValue)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pPropValue, typeof(SPropValue));

sProperty = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(propValue.Value));
catch (System.Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (pPropValue != IntPtr.Zero)

if (IMAPIProperty != IntPtr.Zero)

if (IUnknown != IntPtr.Zero)


return sProperty;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
NS = App.GetNamespace("MAPI");
CheckFold = GetFolder(NS.Folders, "Sample");
//MovingFold = GetFolder(NS.Folders, "HK_MailRead");
//ErrMovingFold = GetFolder(NS.Folders, "HK_ErrMail");

ObjOutlook.Items olmailItems = CheckFold.Items;
int iter=0;

//ObjOutlook.MAPIFolder ChkFld = NS.GetDefaultFolder(ObjOutlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);

if (CheckFold.Items.Count > 0)
// foreach (ObjOutlook.MailItem ListItem in ChkFld.Items)
for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= CheckFold.Items.Count; iteration++)
ObjOutlook.MailItem ListItem = (ObjOutlook.MailItem)CheckFold.Items[iteration];

// }

MailsSub = ListItem.Subject;

if (MailsSub.ToLower().StartsWith("RE") || MailsSub.ToLower().StartsWith("Ka"))
//Cc = ListItem.CC.ToString();
//To = ListItem.To.ToString();
//Bcc = ListItem.To.ToString();
//SenderMailAddr = ListItem.SenderEmailAddress.ToString();

ObjOutlook.Items ioItems = (ObjOutlook.Items)CheckFold.Items;

string emailname;
string emailWithDomainName;

foreach (ObjOutlook.MailItem olMail in olmailItems)
foreach (ObjOutlook.Recipient olRecipient in olMail.Recipients)
// string address = olRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser().Address.ToString();

emailname = olRecipient.Name;
emailWithDomainName = GetEmailAddressFromExchange(emailname);
emailCollection[iter] = emailWithDomainName;
// ObjOutlook.ContactItem oCt = (ObjOutlook.ContactItem)olmailItems;
//string emaill = oCt.Email1Address.ToString();
catch { }
try { AddAddress(olRecipient.Address ); }
catch { }


try { Cc = ListItem.CC.ToString(); }
catch { }

try { To = ListItem.To.ToString(); }
catch { }
try { Bcc = ListItem.To.ToString(); }
catch { }
try { SenderMailAddr = ListItem.SenderEmailAddress.ToString(); }
catch { }

catch { }

for (int i = 0; i < emailCollection.Count; i++)


Happy Coding!!!


Kavita said…
this is kavita, i understood your code but i dont know how to use this.and i am getting 2 errors they are:
Error1: name'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context.
Error2: The name 'listBox1' does not exist in the current context.

so please can tell me clearly how it works, how i shold use
Ananda said…
Hi Kavita,
thanks for using my blog and please comment out those lines or methods, it will work. I just pasted the windows app code since I didn't put the designer code here,

It will work if you comment those means.

Happy Coding
Anonymous said…
Where did you got those code, MSDN? plz provide the linkss

thanks in advance!

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