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C# Cheat Sheet : Part 1


Constructors are used to Initialize the objects, parameters when the object is getting initialized, 

Constructors can be of type

  • Public
  • Private
  • Protected 
  • Internal
  • Protected Internal
  • Static 
Public Constructors

This type will be instantiated every time the new operator is used for the class or struct,

Typically constructors will be without any parameters,

For Example 

Class Cls = new Class(); 

but this will not be the case always, you can instantiate the class by practically any number of arguments

Private Constructors

If the programmer doesn't want a particular class to be instantiated but wants the client code to use the class members then the programmer may set the constructor to be private

Example Program:

The following program generates the number of desired GUIDs, and the class initialization is freezed by private constructor

    public class StringAppend
        private StringAppend()

        public static int NumberOfGUIDs;
        public static StringBuilder SbGUID = new StringBuilder();
        public static string GetGUIDs()
            string returnValue = string.Empty;
            for (int LocalCounter = 0; LocalCounter < NumberOfGUIDs; LocalCounter++)
            returnValue = SbGUID.ToString();
            return returnValue;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Number of GUIDs you want");
            StringAppend.NumberOfGUIDs = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());


In .NET we have Console, Math classes with private constructors

Protected Constructors

Lets see the following simple program which have two classes ClassA and ClassB

ClassA is the base class and ClassB is the derived class from ClassA

    public class ClassA
        protected ClassA()
            Console.WriteLine("Protected Constructor for ClassA is called!");
    public class ClassB : ClassA
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClassA ClsA = new ClassA();


Note we have specified the constructor as Protected and when compiling we got the compiler error as

"ProctectedContructors.ClassA.ClassA()' is inaccessible due to its protection level"

If we slightly change the code like this,

ClassB ClsB = new ClassA();

Even this won't work, we will get the same access deficiency error

Then if we change like this ClassB ClsB = new ClassB();

  public class ClassA
        protected ClassA()
            Console.WriteLine("Protected Constructor for ClassA is called!");
    public class ClassB : ClassA
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //ClassA ClsA = new ClassA();
            //ClassB ClsB = new ClassA();

            ClassB ClsB = new ClassB();

This will work and the output produced is 

"Protected Constructor for ClassA is called!"

If we add the code in the ClassB

        public ClassB()
            Console.WriteLine("Public Constructor for ClassB is called!");



"Protected Constructor for ClassA is called!
Public Constructor for ClassB is called!"

Internal Constructors

Internal keyword is used to limit the access of a member to the residing assembly only, 

based on this we have a sample code

 public class ClassA
        internal ClassA()


    public class ClassB : ClassA


    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClassA ClsA = new ClassA();           


This will perfectly work, as the object creation is within the same assembly

So we will extend our program to show the more usability of this constructor

We write a separate "Class Library" and write a class in that 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace BaseClassLib
    public class Example1
        internal Example1()


So we are referencing the "Class Library" project "BaseClassLib" to our program 

using BaseClassLib;

Then write the code in the main function 

BaseClassLib.Example1 Ex1 = new Example1();

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using BaseClassLib;

namespace InternalConstructors
    public class ClassA
        internal ClassA()


    public class ClassB : ClassA


    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //ClassA ClsA = new ClassA();           
            BaseClassLib.Example1 Ex1 = new Example1();

Here you will get the compiler error message as "No Constructor is defined", hence we are restricting the object creation to the internal members only, this will useful in securing the application from unwanted access / initialization 

Using of internal constructors will be huge in case if you are exposing the DLLs to client code and you don’t want the client code to access / initialize the objects outside of your assembly.


For Sales Forecast DLL, you may want the client code to create the object for the class SalesForeCast and access the members like GenerateSalesForeCast, DeleteCurrentSalesForecast…

But you don’t want the client code to access / initialize objects to crucial details like credential manager, service manager, authentication keys details

Protected Internal

We already have seen how the protected constructor works and internal constructor works, combining both will provide the usage of the Protected Internal Constructors,

The Base assembly will not have the privilege to instantiate the objects, but the derived assembly can have the access

(To be Continued)


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