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Angular: Constructor vs ngOnInit , Basic differences

 Angular: Constructor vs  ngOnInit, Basic differences


Constructor is the feature provided by ES6 (i.e. Typescript)

ngOnInit is provided by Angular itself


interface OnInit {

  ngOnInit(): void



Before seeing what was the order of execution let’s see if both is not available what will happen,


You can see that the Angular s happily compiling and executing the code even the constructor or ngInit is not present





As a next step we are trying to implement the ngOnInit interface explicitly, let’s see what will happen




We are getting the following error


Class 'AppComponent' incorrectly implements interface 'OnInit'.
Property 'ngOnInit' is missing in type 'AppComponent' but required in type 'OnInit'.


So we need to implement the ngOnInit if we are specifying in the class


After implementing the ngOnInit we are getting the page back to normal



So what is the order of execution now.


To find this we will create a constructor and provide the






In the output we will see the constructor is loading first and then the ngOnInit



Example available at







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