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SOLID Principles with Real World examples in C#

 SOLID Principles with Real World examples in C#


SOLID principles are formed by using

S Single Responsibility Principles (SRP)

O Open Closed Principle (OCP)

L Liskov’s Substitution Principle (LCP)

I Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

D Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)


S Single Responsibility Principles (SRP)

There should never be more than one reason for a class to change, to be precise one class should have only one responsibility

Single Responsibility Principles (SRP) Real world example,

A perfect match for SRP is Microservices, a Microservice will not contain functionalities other than the one it is designated to do, 


·                  Order Processing Service,

·                  Shipment Management Service,

·                  User Authentication Service,

·                  Catalogue List Service


    class OrderProcessor


        public void Process(Order order)


            // Check inventory

            // Reserve inventory

            // Update order status

            // Send confirmation email



 The above class violates the SRP because it has more than one reason to change (e.g. if the confirmation email process changes, or if the inventory process changes). It would be better to separate these responsibilities into multiple classes each having their own responsibility.


O Open Closed Principle (OCP)

The software entities should open for extension but should closed for altering the original functionality

Open: The software entities should be open because for example the client code may in need to add additional fields for their own needs, in this case the client code may use the class (software entity we talked about) as a parent class to create inherited child classes to achieve their goal.

Closed: This is very essential because the original functionality is already compiled, baselined, stored in a library, so altering the original functionality may lead to adverse consequences to the software


Real time example for SOLID Open Closed Principle (OCP) in C#

Any software which allows plugin development, example Mozilla Firefox browser allows users to write the plugins to attach based on the users need they will attach, but it will never allow the user to alter the original functionality in browse.


For example here we are simply using the document type to determine the save path



class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


            // Without OCP Example

            WithoutOCP_Document _WithoutOCP_Document = new WithoutOCP_Document();

            string SavePath = _WithoutOCP_Document.DocumentSavePath(DocumentType.Word);


            SavePath = _WithoutOCP_Document.DocumentSavePath(DocumentType.PDF);






    public enum DocumentType






    public class WithoutOCP_Document


        public string DocumentSavePath(DocumentType _DocumentType)


            string SavePath = string.Empty;

            if (_DocumentType == DocumentType.PDF)


                SavePath = @"Files/PDF";


            else if (_DocumentType == DocumentType.Word)


                SavePath = @"Files/MSWord";


            return SavePath;




The above code will work when the requirement is fixed and expecting no further changes

But the problem with the above code is:

1)       What if I want to add one more document type?

2)       Even if the program allows the logic to be modified by the client code then the testing needs to be done explicitly

3)       If the developer is doing the changes for this addition, then the testing needs to be completed fully for all the classes involved


        static void Main(string[] args)


            string SavePath = string.Empty;

            // With OCP Example

            WithOCP_Document _WithOCP_Document;


            _WithOCP_Document = new WordDocument();

            SavePath = _WithOCP_Document.DocumentSavePath(DocumentType.Word);



            _WithOCP_Document = new PDFDocument();

            SavePath = _WithOCP_Document.DocumentSavePath(DocumentType.PDF);







    public enum DocumentType






    public class WithOCP_Document


        public virtual string DocumentSavePath(DocumentType _DocumentType)


            return string.Empty;




    public class WordDocument : WithOCP_Document


        public override string DocumentSavePath(DocumentType _DocumentType)


            return @"Files/MSWord";




    public class PDFDocument : WithOCP_Document


        public override string DocumentSavePath(DocumentType _DocumentType)


            return @"Files/PDF";




The above code satisfies all the rules specified, by using this code the client code can add any type of and any number of documents and save path of their own, this code will not change the original functionality but extending the existing functionality


C# program with abstract class to apply the Open Closed Principle (OCP) for SOLID Pattern 


 class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            string SavePath = string.Empty;

            // With OCP Example with abstract class

            WithOCP_DocumentAbs _WithOCP_DocumentAbs;


            _WithOCP_DocumentAbs = new WordDocument2();

            SavePath = _WithOCP_DocumentAbs.DocumentSavePath(DocumentType.Word);







    public enum DocumentType







    public abstract class WithOCP_DocumentAbs


        public virtual string DocumentSavePath(DocumentType _DocumentType)


            return string.Empty;




    public class WordDocument2 : WithOCP_DocumentAbs


        public override string DocumentSavePath(DocumentType _DocumentType)


            return @"Files/MSWord";




    public class PDFDocument2 : WithOCP_DocumentAbs


        public override string DocumentSavePath(DocumentType _DocumentType)


            return @"Files/PDF";




The code can be found here


Additional Example:


    class FileLogger


        public void Log(string message)


            // Write message to file



 The above class violates the OCP because to add a new logging mechanism, we would need to modify the class. A better approach would be to define an interface for logging and implement it in a separate class for each logging mechanism.


L Liskov’s Substitution Principle (LCP)

In Liskov’s terms Type T is extending to Subtype S and S should have all the functionalities that the Type T is having.

In Simple terms Liskov’s Substitution Principle suggests that the derived class must inherit all the qualities of the base class, so that the base class is no need to change anything if any extension is happening to it

So, in this case the derived class should be a proper substitute for the base class

This principle is widely called as the extension of the Open and Closed Principle 



    class Square : Rectangle


        public int Width { set { base.Height = base.Width = value; } }

        public int Height { set { base.Height = base.Width = value; } }



The above class violates the LSP because a square is not a rectangle and can't be used in the same way as a rectangle. The properties for width and height must be independent.



 I Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

 A class should not be forced to implement interfaces it doesn't use.

    interface IVehicle


        void StartEngine();

        void StopEngine();

        void Fly();

        void Swim();


The above interface violates the ISP because classes that don't fly or swim must implement the unnecessary methods. A better approach would be to split the interface into multiple interfaces.

 D Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

 High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, but they should both depend on abstractions.


    class OrderProcessor


        private readonly IInventoryService _inventoryService;

        public OrderProcessor(IInventoryService inventoryService)


            _inventoryService = inventoryService;




The above class follows the DIP because it depends on an abstraction (the IInventoryService interface) rather than a concrete implementation (a specific inventory service class). This allows for more flexibility and maintainability by making it easy to switch out the inventory service implementation without affecting the OrderProcessor class.


For an excellent pictorial representation of SOLID please look this


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