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Printing Silently from Windows Service / Web API / Website via C#, print-it Implementation

Print-it is a beautifully written software service which enables to print silently to the printer from a Windows Service / Web API Server / Website Server

A detailed implementation documentation is available here, this came as a great rescue to me in a place where I was struggling to print directly to the printer without opening the printer dialog or without opening the PDF file.

However, I feel to add little more scripts to work with the previous C# versions which I am using, this may be helpful to those who uses lower C# versions

Please note:

Here I am about to describe how to consume the hosted service using lower version of C#

The service accepts the POST request with the following 2 mandatory MultipartFormDataContent

1)    pdfFile

2)    printerPath


To begin client code: (C# Version: from 4.5)

// Initialize HttpClient

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();


// Initialize MultipartFormDataContent

MultipartFormDataContent form = new MultipartFormDataContent();


// Initialize HttpContent

HttpContent content = new StringContent("fileToUpload");



var printerPathContent = new StringContent(PrinterPath);


form.Add(content, "pdfFile", "FileName.pdf");

form.Add(printerPathContent, "printerPath");


HttpResponseMessage response = null;


// Call the Method via POST

response = (client.PostAsync(URL, form)).Result;

// Fetch the result

var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;


For further learning:



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