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Showing posts from December 8, 2021

Introduction to AWS - Amazon Web Services - 3 Amazon EC2 Introduction

Amazon EC2 Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud: This is a scalable computing facility enabled Virtual Server provided by Amazon, users can configure the Virtual Server for security, data handling and for other causes. Features: Environments called as Instances Pre-configured templates available, pre-configured OS and SW Various configurations of CPU, Memory, Storage and NW capacity for the instances Secure Logins are available using key pair Allows to store the temporary storage as well as persistent storage as Amazon Boos Store (ABS) Volumes. Can configure multiple physical locations for EBS Volumes Firewall configuration is available Static IP is available Can connect to the own network using Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Introduction to AWS - Amazon Web Services - 2 AWS Infrastructure

AWS Infrastructure AWS Consists of Regions : Example US West, US East, denoted as us-east-1, us-west-1 Regions consists of Availability Zones, AZs will contain one or more data centers which will have the enough power, network connectivity and separated in case of it is more than one data centers Availability Zones will be denoted by a letter Example : us-east-1a (the a is the specific AZ) AWS Local Region: The single data center will be called by this name. This will be placed closed to the consumer group geographically, This will contain the Computing, Storing and Database enable the customers a good experience Edge Locations are the servers which will contain the frequently used items in the cache and serves the same to the consumers quickly Outposts: On premise infrastructure available.