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C# coding best practices with examples

 C# coding best practices and coding standards are guidelines and conventions that developers should follow to write maintainable, readable, and efficient code. Here are a few examples of C# coding best practices:

    1) Use meaningful and consistent naming conventions. For example, use camelCase for local variables and PascalCase for class and method names.

    2) Use the using statement for disposable objects, such as file streams and database connections, to ensure that they are properly disposed of.

    3) Use the async and await keywords to make asynchronous calls and avoid blocking the UI thread.

    4) Use exception handling to handle errors and unexpected conditions. Use specific exception types rather than the base Exception type.

    5) Use the null-coalescing operator (??) to provide a default value when a nullable type is null.

    6) Use StringBuilder instead of concatenating strings in a loop.

    7) Use the ?. operator to check for null values before accessing an object's properties or methods or Use the null-coalescing operator (??) instead of the ternary operator (?) when working with nullable types.

    8) Use properties instead of public fields.

    9) Write unit tests to test the functionality of your code and ensure that it behaves as expected.

    10) Use const and readonly keywords for compile-time constants

    11) Use enum for better readability and maintainability.

    12) Avoid using global variables

    13) Use yield return statement for creating iterator blocks

    14) Use IDisposable interface to release unmanaged resources

    15) Use the var keyword only when the type is obvious from the right side of the assignment.

    16) Follow the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and keep classes small and focused. 

    17) Avoid using magic numbers and string literals in the code, instead use named constants or enumerations. 

    18) Use string interpolation instead of string concatenation, it's more readable and less error-prone.

It's important to note that C# coding best practices and coding standards can vary depending on the organization or team you are working with. Therefore, it is important to establish and follow a consistent set of coding standards within your team, this will make the codebase more maintainable and readable.


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