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Showing posts with the label Programming Questions

Coding Challenge - ASP.NET Program : Given a string S, shift each character to its immediate right character (note: preserve the cases)

Write a ASP.NET with C# program to achieve the following  "Given a string Str, shift each character to its immediate right character (Main Criteria: preserve the cases)" Sample input : HeLlo Sample output :  IfMmp ShiftNext.aspx < div >             < table >                 < tr >                     < td > Enter the string                     </ td >                     < td >                         < asp : TextBox ID ="txtInputString" runat ="server">                         </ asp : TextBox >                     </ td >                     < td >                         < asp : Button ID ="btnShowResult" runat ="server" OnClick ="btnShowResult_Click" Text ="Click for result" />                     </ td >                 </ tr >                 < tr >                     &l