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ASP.NET MVC Learning : Routing Advanced

To specify a route you need to create the instance of the class Route by specifying the  * URL Pattern Name  * URL Pattern   * Handler URL Name   Can be of any name and empty string '' is allowed URL Pattern  Default (System generating) URL pattern is {controller}/{action}/{id}, however you can use the following patterns as you want employee/{action}/{entry} --> employee/update/111 {reportname}/{year}/{month} --> employeeattendance/2018/06 {classcode}-{studentid}/{action} --> XII/212/show Handler There are three types of handlers used, MvcHandler, This handler is initiating the ASP.NET pipeline for the ASP.NET MVC application, as this is receiving the controller instance from MVC controller factory, which takes care of further processing  MvcRouteHandler  MvcRouteHandler is implementing the IRouteHandler interface and pass the request context to it. MvcHttpHandler Used to handle the mapping directly without going through the routing mod