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ASP.NET MVC Learning 4 : Session Handling

ViewData : Needs typecast, and has intellisense support, scope is only limited to that view, not across action methods ViewBag : scope is similar to ViewData, but it is dynamic, no typecasting needed, no intelisense is available TempData : Across actions   or views but only to the same controller, if it is used then the data will be last until the last usage Session :   Global scope, can be accessed anywhere

Create an Angular application with CRUD operations for company and branch details with in-memory data:

Create an Angular application with CRUD operations for company and branch details with in-memory data: This tutorial assumes that you have installed the necessary npm packages and the latest Angular version, and CLI version,   To install the CLI for Angular use the following command, npm install -g @angular/cli then use the command ng new CompanyBranchCRUD The above command will create a directory ‘CompanyBranchCRUD’ and install necessary items Once the installation is over then go the created directory cd CompanyBranchCRUD The following 3 steps is optional, this is for bootstrap, if you want to concentrate on functionality happy to skip these. Step 1: npm install --save bootstrap@next If any error occurs then use npm install --save bootstrap Step 2: Import the bootstrap in the style.css file @import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"; Step 3: install the BootStarp components by issuing the command npm install --save @ng-bo