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Showing posts from January 20, 2023

What are memory leaks in C#, causes and preventive measures.

A memory leak in C# occurs when an application holds onto memory that is no longer needed. This can happen when an object is no longer being used but is still being referenced by the application, preventing the memory it occupies from being freed by the Garbage Collector (GC) from .net Framework.  Memory leaks can cause an application to slow down or crash, as the amount of available memory is gradually exhausted. They can be caused by various factors, such as improperly managing memory, not releasing resources, or creating circular references.  To avoid memory leaks, it is important to follow best practices for managing memory and properly disposing of resources when they are no longer needed. The following factors contributing to the memory leaks:   Unsubscribed event handlers: If an event handler is not unsubscribed when it's no longer needed, it will continue to hold a reference to the object it's associated with, preventing it from being collected by the garbage collector