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Showing posts with the label Task Parallel Library (TPL)

Task Parallel Library (TPL) and Akka.NET Alternatives

Task Parallel Library (TPL) and Akka.NET are among the most commonly used libraries for parallel and concurrent programming in the .NET ecosystem. However, there are also several other options available, depending on your specific needs: Parallel Language Integrated Query (PLINQ) is a parallel programming feature of .NET that provides an easy and efficient way to perform operations on collections in parallel. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a powerful feature in .NET that allows developers to work with data in a more declarative and language-integrated manner. While LINQ queries are inherently sequential, PLINQ extends LINQ by providing parallel versions of the query operators, allowing some queries to execute faster by utilizing multiple processors or cores on a machine. PLINQ is great when you are working with large collections where operations might be CPU-intensive or I/O-bound and could potentially be sped up by parallel execution. Here is a simple example of a PLI

Task Parallel Library (TPL) and Akka.NET: Differences

Task Parallel Library (TPL) and Akka.NET are both powerful tools in the .NET ecosystem for handling parallelism and concurrency, but they serve different purposes and use different models of computation. Here are some key differences:s 1.    Actor Model vs Task-Based Model: Akka.NET is built around the actor model, where actors are the fundamental units of computation and they communicate by exchanging messages. TPL, on the other hand, is task-based. It's designed to make developers more productive by simplifying the process of adding parallelism and concurrency to applications. TPL uses tasks (which are independently executing work units) and provides various ways to control and coordinate them. 2.    Fault Tolerance: One of the key features of Akka.NET is its built-in fault tolerance. It has a "let-it-crash" philosophy, where the system is designed to self-heal from errors. If an actor fails, its parent actor can decide on the supervision strategy: either to resta