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ASP.NET Core Interview Questions : July 2022

1) What is appsettings.json?

This .json file is holding the application configuration values for core application, this is very similar to web.config or app.config in a legacy .net application 

We can have multiple versions of the appsettings.json file

Template: appsettings.[Environment].json


* appsettings.DevEnv.json
* appsettings.TestEnv.json
* appsettings.Staging.json
* appsettings.json 

Little deeper:

In order to load the configuration information into the application from the file we need the following class in the .net : JSON Configuration Provider

Inherited from FileConfigurationProvider

How to use:

var _ConfigurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder(Environment.ApplicationBasePath)

              .AddJsonFile("appsettings.Live.json")                .AddEnvironmentVariables();

Configuration = _ConfigurationBuilder.Build();


2) What is the difference between ASP.NET CORE with .NET Framework and ASP.NET with .NET Core Framework

ASP.NET CORE with .NET Framework:

This is purely based on Windows OS, any application based on this framework will work only in Windows OS.

ASP.NET CORE with .NET Core Framework

Contrast to the previous one this is platform independent, means not bound to any OS like Linux, Windows, Mac OS.

3) How to Get the username of the logged user in ASP.NET Core?

Assuming that the application is set to work in Windows Authentication in the launchSettings.json file

"windowsAuthentication": true



private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;

var username = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;


4) How to find the IP Address of the client machine

Without Proxy: Using HttpContext.Connection Property

HttpContext context; // Need to initialize

var IPAddress = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress;


With Proxy we need some workaround: Please see this link for complete steps


5) How to get the query string in the method in ASP.NET Core

 var NameQueryString = HttpContext.Request.Query["Name"];


6) What is response buffering in ASP.NET Core?

A large response, usually a file download from the server will take a normal route of streaming the file by dividing it into small chunks and send it to user, as oppose to streaming the whole file will be loaded into the memory to serve as it as to the user

Enabling / Disabling Response Buffering 



6) What is the default port for ASP.NET Core?

Answer: 5000

7) In which scenarios the port 5001 is used?

Answer: If the local certificate for secure http (https) is available in the development machine the 5001 port is used

8) Where can I specify the port?

Answer: In appsettings.json file

Example :









9) What is Kestral?

Answer: In short Kestral is a open source server which runs the ASP.NET Core in any platform

10)Is http:localhost:5000/MyPage is equal to http:localhost:5000/mypage?

Answer: Usually yes until we explicitly set the routing options for the service to lowercase only serviveObj.AddRouting(options => options.LowerCaseUrls = true);

11)And what is the use of setting the LowerCaseUrls?

 Answer: Sticking only to a single case (upper of lower URLs) will help the search engine to index the site / page better

The same site



both will be indexed as 2 separate pages in the search engines and search landing will be affected by this, so better to stick to one case option, preferably to lower case URL

12)What is the difference between IOC and DI?

 Answer: IOC (Inversion of control) is the design target intended to achieve between the classes and their dependencies,

DI (Dependency Injection) is one of the design patterns used to achieve this target

There are other ways to achieve IOC which is subjected to the application type



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